Cadence Writing Quiz Harmonic Cadences and the Dr. Fox Exercise MUS 111William Wieland


Begin with 100 points

Lower 3 points
  • for each incorrect pitch,
  • if a 3rd is missing,
  • for an imperfect authentic cadence,
  • for perfect parallel motion,
  • if a cadence ends with an inverted chord,
  • for a missing key signature,
  • if not the nearest note,
  • for more than a P8 between S&A or A&T,
  • if 7 does not go to 8 (inner voices may go 7 to 5),
  • if 4 does not go to 3 in an authentic cadence,
  • if an active tone is doubled (leading tone, 7th of 7th chord, inflected note), or
  • if the range is extreme.