1 to 5 and 5 to 1 Dictation Theory Things   William Wieland
Do your own work.
  1. Without producing a sound, hear the following excerpts in your head.
  2. On a blank sheet of paper, write the title and dictate the number of pitches indicated (or more) using numbers or syllables.
  3. Next, dictate the rhythm above the numbers or syllables and include a time signature and barlines.
(If possible, replace 2. and 3. with, "Transcribe the entire melody onto a staff using an appropriate time signature and a key signature of your choice.")

Twinkle, Twinkle little Star — first 7 notes
The Flinstones Theme — first 6 notes
Here Comes the Bride — first 8 notes
O Christmas Tree — first 8 notes
Old MacDonald — first 12 notes

One day I will hear everyone sing some of these excerpts from memory.

Grading Rubric:

S (satisfactory) — correct and turned in on time
If your dictation is incorrect, I will return it to you with further instructions. You might still earn an S.
U (unsatisfactory) — late or didn't really try
0 — nothing

No E (exemplary) — too easy to cheat