What to expect in MUAP 115 Class Instruction–Keyboard MUAP 115 Syllabus & ScheduleWilliam Wieland
Keyboard Competency
Whether you are a beginner or have had years of piano lessons, your goal is to learn to play piano at your own fastest pace. You will play piano and master the NSU Keyboard Competency Requirements: cadence patterns, playing by ear, 5-finger patterns and scales, harmonizing, lead sheets, score reading, sight reading, and accompanying.
I will introduce topics to the entire class and then work with small groups of students. Topics include sight reading, 5-finger patterns/scales, cadence patterns, lead sheets, etc. I will group students of similar ability. For example, the students who earn high scores on the flashcard quiz will be grouped together for sight reading. (Our class usually includes students in their first, second, third, and fourth semesters.)
Personal Practice
In addition to proclamations to the entire class from me and small group work, you will have ample time to practice on your own every day.
We have a mini-recital or quiz almost every week. To improve a mini-recital or quiz grade, you may retake either one before 5:00 pm on the last day of class.
If you miss class, you may make up absences on Fridays from 1:00–1:50 or by attending the other section of MUAP 115 if space permits.
See the MUAP 115 Syllabus for more information about grading.
You must score higher than a 0 on every quiz and mini-recital to pass MUAP 115.