Dad’s Commandments (only 7!)
1. Prioritize. (Frequently reflect.) Consider your health, learning, faith, family, friends, and career. Carry your weekly schedule and semester calendar. Keep them tidy and up to date. Talk to your advisor regularly.
2. Sleep. (Go to bed.) Teenagers need 9¼ hours of sleep a day. Determine when you need to get up. Go to bed 9½ hours earlier.
3. Eat (healthy foods.) “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Add meal times to your weekly schedule.
4. Go to class. (Take notes and ask questions.) Write ideas in your own words and draw diagrams—by hand—to learn faster and better. Ask questions in class and during office hours.
5. Work. (Study and practice.) Finish your homework before you play. Join study groups. Go to tutoring sessions. If you can explain concepts out loud in complete sentences like a lecture without notes, you are done reviewing.
6. Play (with others.) Join orchestra, choir, intramurals, student organizations, church groups, etc. (Indulge in very little or no computer games, social media, drinking, or gambling.)
7. Videophone home (weekly.) Schedule a regular time. They will wait by the computer.